About OnCorr
Oncorr is an on-line management solution that optimizes business processes related to the organization of corporate events.
An event organizer coordinates with the Summit Management Services staff through a decision process involving event
specifications, travel and hotel arrangements, etc. During a period of registration, interaction occurs between Summit
Management Services, the organizer, and the invited attendees themselves, all through an easy-to-use, friendly website.
ONCORR is thorough, going as deep as planning a meeting agenda for each event and allowing each registered participant to
specify which meeting they would like to attend. ONCORR is comprehensive, providing extensive reporting features, which help
the Summit Management staff optimize and speed up their daily tasks. And finally, ONCORR is secure, providing password-protected
access, encrypted communication, and an extra level of security for meeting invitations.
Since its first deployment, ONCORR has been handling major international conferences and other events, helping Summit Management
expand their business through increased efficiency of operation. Its friendliness complemented by powerful features surpasses
the expectations of the event-organizing corporations. ONCORR however does not stop there. Its new version includes integration
with hospitality industry partners and major airlines to maximize automation, generate further savings, and increase the return
on investment.
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